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I was talking with one of my favorite entrepreneurs the other day, who was trying to choose a lead for his next financing round. This is a guy who had plenty of options. Facetiously, sort of, he said...
View ArticlePredictions
I think that, sometime soon, people are going to stop making predictions. Actually, tragically, that isn’t likely to happen. Human beings are seemingly irrepressible predicting machines, in that it is...
View ArticlePower vs. Influence
Earlier in my career I worked at a large private equity firm (in my view, one of the great ones: Bain Capital), and for the last 13+ years I’ve worked in early stage venture capital. Those two ways of...
View ArticleIn a World With No Sevens…
The Judgment of Paris As the anecdote goes, a group of women is sitting around discussing recent conquests. One turns to another and asks her to characterize her latest flame on a scale of 1 to 10, but...
View ArticleSalesmanship of Fools
I was talking to a fellow VC the other day, who I know but not well, and he was clearly searching for something to compliment me on, and what he come up with was “hey, I really appreciate how you’re...
View ArticleComparisons Are Odious
Growing up, I wasn’t popular in the conventional sense (and by the conventional sense I mean having friends and such). As a result, I spent a lot of time reading. Mostly it was epically nerdy science...
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